Trackplanning, Fullscale
I've decided to try finalizing the trackplan at full scale on cardboard. It's going to be a challenge! This view shows one end of the Chattahoochee yard. The Apalachicola River will be bottom center. I've purchased a few Walthers turnouts to see how they'll fit.
Here's a closeup of the turnouts. The bottom one is a #6, the other two are #5s. I plan to use 6's on the mainline and 5's everywhere else. It's always surprising how much space these things actually require. These are code 83, and the combination of small rail and long turnouts looks really good.
Code 83 and long switches will make it look great indeed! Are you planning to use conventional power or are you going to use DCC?
I've noticed a disturbing trend in the time period the majority of these comments have been posted. Every comment I've seen by a supposed "Marty O" has been posted during official work hours. I encourage the creater of this blog to limit posting to before 9:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m. during the week, or else face vast amounts of ridicule.
I also would add that someone is probably paying a lot of money for someone else to be studying instead of reading railroad blogs at all hours of the night.
Blog comments will be allowed at all hours as long as they focus on how cool the blog author is.
On another note, yeah Marty I'm planning to use DCC. Since I'm basically starting from scratch it makes sense. I still have a couple of engines from the old days but I'd be surprised if they even run, and they don't match up to anything the L&N or Seaboard ran in FL in the early 50s.
Railroad blogs are my passion, without a good dose of them at least once an hour I can't get any studying done.
Brennan, get back to your books.
Jon, can you not use old power packs or locomotives with DCC? I don't really understand how it works and have not read up on it.
I think you can run a single old-style DC engine on a DCC system. You can also add DCC decoders to old-style engines. As far as power, I think all DCC systems require outside power transformers, which can be a traditional powerpack or just a transformer from a hardware store.
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