
This map shows the natural landcover types that existed in north Florida before development. The categories are as follows (descriptions from Florida Natural Areas Inventory):
SH = Sandhill: upland with deep sand substrate; xeric; temperate; frequent fire (2-5 years); longleaf pine and/or turkey oak with wiregrass understory.
HCM = Hardwood/Conifer Mixed Forest: upland with sand/clay substrate; mesic; temperate; rare or no fire; loblolly pine and/or shortleaf pine and/or laurel oak and/or magnolia and spruce pine and/or mixed hardwoods.
BHS = Bottomland Hardwood Swamp: flatland with sand/clay/organic substrate; occasionally inundated; temperate; rare or no fire; water oak, red maple, beech, magnolia, tuliptree, sweetgum, bays, cabbage palm, and mixed hardwoods.
PFW = Pine Flatwoods: flatland with sand substrate; mesic; subtropical or temperate; frequent fire; slash pine and/or longleaf pine with saw palmetto, gallberry and/or wiregrass or cutthroat grass understory.
So those are the types of landscapes I'd like to include in some form on the layout. Of course, my layout will be small enough that there won't be much area available to model much of these, but perhaps some representations can be included. Another consideration is that much of north Florida was already converted to agriculture and pine plantations by the 1950s.